The Academic Consortium – Katowice City of Science and the European Comission have the honor to invite scientists, students and PhD students of all European universities and institutions to participate in the EU TalentOn 2024 European Union Contest for early-career researchers. 
EU TalentOn 2024 is a competition for young scientists (21-35 years old) from European countries and countries associated with the Horizon Europe Programme. The idea is to encourage young, bright minds to propose new, creative solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. 

PhD students and researchers interested in the best examples of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research at Circle U. member universities are invited to follow the live broadcast of the conference program entitled “Towards the Future of European Research and Innovation in Higher Education”, which will take place on Wednesday, May 29, starting at 9:30 a.m.

Teachers and researchers at the faculties and institutes of the University of Belgrade are invited to register in the new Academic Directory – an online platform for connecting researchers from nine member universities of the Circle U alliance.

Why is this platform useful? Circle U. offers numerous opportunities for international and interuniversity collaboration in the development of teaching, research and innovation in the fields of ecology, democracy and global health. An academic directory can help researchers find colleagues who share their research interests, enable them to connect with each other and establish direct communication.