The establishment of the Alumni Foundation of the University of Belgrade was preceded by the establishment of the Alumni Organization of the University of Belgrade, the Founding Assembly of which was held on September 12, 2008, at the Sava Center, as part of the celebration of 200 years of the University of Belgrade and 200 years of higher education in Serbia. In 2022, representatives of several alumni organizations of individual faculties of the University of Belgrade launched an Initiative to revitalize the Alumni Organization of the University of Belgrade. The Initiative first met in September 2022, at the suggestion of the Alumni of the Faculty of Philology, which also hosted the first meeting. The joint work of the University and the Initiative has resulted in the establishment of the University of Belgrade Alumni Foundation, with the University being its sole founder. The Council of the University of Belgrade made the Decision on the establishment of the AFUB (02-09 Number: 06-2286/8-23) at its meeting on November 9, 2023, appointed members of the Board of Directors and the President of the Board of Directors (02-09 Number: 06-2286/1023). Prof. Dr. Goran Petković, President of the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Economics, was appointed as the President of the Board of Directors. The Council gave a positive opinion on the proposal to appoint Branko Vuksan from the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Philology as the director of AFUB (02-09 Number: 06-2286/9-23). Branko Vuksan was elected as the director at the meeting of the Board of Directors on November 16, 2023.
Organizing and gathering graduates and friends of the University of Belgrade in the country and abroad to connect them for the affirmation of reputation, tradition, and development of the University of Belgrade;
Founding and coordinating the work of alumni organizations by faculties and institutes of the University of Belgrade;
Working with young scientists by providing expertise and other support for their inclusion and implementation of projects to advance knowledge in the respective field, as well as connecting with international research and educational organizations and institutions;
Connecting with alumni in the diaspora through joint activities and projects;
Connecting alumni from the country and abroad from the non-academic sphere to modernize teaching and educational programs by utilizing experiences and knowledge gained in the economy and other non-university activities;
Supporting exceptional students and researchers by awarding prizes and scholarships for excellence in studies and work.
Organizing media production for continuous monitoring, recording, editing, and broadcasting of program content related to the activities of the University of Belgrade and its members, as well as alumni organizations, on social networks and public media.
Information about all activities can be obtained on the websites of UB and AFUB, social media pages, via regular monthly reports (newsletter), and, personally, in our office.
We show appreciation for alumni initiatives in both directions: from bottom to top, from top to bottom, in accordance with the desires of alumni and the Foundation’s capabilities.
Alumni from the diaspora will have the opportunity to participate in all AFUB programmes
Every activity is based on the project principle: elaboration of the idea, team creation and role division, determination of the implementation method, budgeting, and acquisition of the sources of funding.
AFUB is a non-profit foundation. All revenues will be directed to covering expenses, compensating employees and collaborators. Every alum will have the right and opportunity to have an insight into the revenues and expenses publicly on the website, in accordance with legal provisions and rules of confidentiality.
The Alumni Foundation intends to develop the following programme goals in the academic year 2024/2025. We invite all alumni to participate in developing programme goals with their comments, advice, suggestions, and active involvement. Each program goal is named after an eminent scientist and/or a benefactor of the University of Belgrade.
(after the benefactors of the University of Belgrade, Milan Stefanović Smederevac and his wife Darinka) (in collaboration with the Career Development Centre of the University of Belgrade) / Career support from experienced alumni to younger alumni or those who wish to advance or change their career path.
Projects (after Sima Lozanić, the first rector of the University of Belgrade) / Education on project writing and participation in competitions in areas in which AFUB operates.
(after Mihajlo Pupin) / Popularization of science, scientific editing, events, and broadcasts promoting science and affirming scientists, professors, and researchers from the University of Belgrade.
(after the prematurely deceased awarded physicist and mathematician) / Support for doctoral students, networking of young scientists.
(after Isidora Žebeljan, composer and member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts) / Cultural and artistic broadcasts and events, exhibitions.
(after Milena Dravić and Dragan Nikolić) / Media platform for informing about activities at the University of Belgrade, project dissemination, media affirmation of scientific events.
(after Ksenija Atanasijević, philosopher and the first female doctor of science at the University of Belgrade) / Cultivation of the culture of remembering prominent professors and scientists of the University of Belgrade, broadcasts about alumni, documentary films about significant personalities and events related to the University of Belgrade.
Milomir (after Milomir Stanišić, mechanical engineer and mathematician with a university career in the USA) / Programs for connecting alumni from the diaspora with their homeland, exchange of experiences and knowledge, database of alumni in the diaspora.
(after Josif Pančić) / Formation and support of work of local committees in cities outside the headquarters of the University, according to local initiatives and needs.
(after Nikola Tesla) / Perspective on the future from the standpoint of various sciences and the impact scientific achievements will have on the development of civilization and the survival of the planet.
It is a great honor for me, as the first director of the Alumni Foundation of the University of Belgrade, to contribute to connecting the alumni of our University in the country, and especially in the diaspora. I am aware of the fact that the tradition of alumni organizations at major world universities obliges our Alumni and University to join this large and important community. We will particularly insist on creating bridges between alumni who have achieved great career success after studying at our University and young graduates who are at the beginning of their professional path. In this way, as alumni, we return the value that the University provided us during our studies and contribute to its development.
Branko Vuksan, director of the Alumni Foundation of the University of Belgrade
On November 9, 2023, the Council of the University of Belgrade adopted a decision to establish AFUB (02-09 Number: 06-2286/8-23) and appointed members of the Board of Directors and the President of the Board of Directors (02-09 Number: 06-2286/1023).
According to the decision of the Council, the Board of Directors consists of:
The Council of the University of Belgrade gave a positive opinion on the proposal to appoint Branko Vuksan as the director of AFUB (02-09 Number: 06-2286/9-23) at the Council meeting on November 9, 2023, and the Board of Directors appointed Mr. Vuksan as the Director at the meeting on November 16, 2023.
Assembly of UB alumni is a representative body of 150 distinguished alumni from all faculties and institutes of the University of Belgrade, the economy, art, sports, from Serbia and abroad. The Constitutive Assembly was held on February 6, 2024 at the Rectorate Ceremonial Hall with the presence of Rector Vladan Đokić, Ph.D., members of the Board of Directors of the UB Alumni Foundation and members of the Assembly from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, the USA, Brazil, China, the Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland and Australia.
Bodies of the UB Alumni Assembly:
Prof. Dr. Jovan Filipović, President
Marija Desivojević Cvetković, Vice President for cooperation with the economy and communications
Prof. Dr. Jasmina Vujić, Vice President for cooperation with the alumni diaspora
Prof. Dr. Petar Bulat, Vice President for coordination of scientific committees
Asst. Slavica Petrović, Ph.D., Vice President for coordination of the cooperation committee
At the constitutive session of the UB Alumni Assembly the following honorary presidents of the Alumni Foundation were elected: Dr. Gordana Vunjak Novković and Dr. Branko Kovačević.
If you have a diploma from undergraduate, master’s, specialist, and/or doctoral studies at the University of Belgrade, you are our alum! To join our alumni community, you need to fill out this short questionnaire:
Access to the alumni community of the University of Belgrade is voluntary and free. If you wish to financially support the launch of the Foundation’s work, you can become a supporter and receive more benefits, choose one of three souvenirs, and receive a discount card for purchasing goods and services from our partners. More information about voluntary contributions can be found here.
Telephone: 011 3207 409
Address: Studentski trg 1, Floor -1, Alumni Foundation UB Office
You can visit us on work days from 1 PM to 3 PM
Currently, it is possible to receive one of three offered souvenirs only if you become a supporter of the Alumni Foundation (more information about this in the „Join Us“ section). Soon, a wider range of souvenirs will be available.
Alumni who opt to support the Foundation can choose one of the three souvenirs. Each souvenir contains the word alumni (in m. or f. form in Serbian) along with the logo of the Alumni foundation University of Belgrade.
The picture bellow is an illustration of the offer.
Продукција Алумни фондације нуди услуге медијског и промотивног покривања збивања на факултетима и Универзитету, од фотографисања до снимања документарних филмова, укључујући догађаје (предавања, конференције, симпозијуме, промоције, интервјуе, гостовања професора, годишњице, свечаности), креирање емисија и филмова (укључујући прилоге, интервјуе, кратке тематске филмове, документарне филмове). Нудимо израду сценарија, фотографисање, видео-снимање, монтажу, дистрибуцију на друштвеним мрежамаи специјализованим каналима и помажемо у стварању и спровођењу промотивних стратегија. Ту смо да будемо партнери у реализацији ваших идеја!
The production of the Alumni Foundation offers media and promotional coverage services for events at faculties and the University, from photography to documentary filming, including events (lectures, conferences, symposiums, promotions, interviews, lectures of visiting professors, anniversaries, ceremonies), creating shows and films (including segments, interviews, short thematic films, documentary films). We offer scriptwriting, photography, video recording, editing, distribution on social networks and specialized channels, and assist in creating and implementing promotional strategies. We are open to being your partner in realising your ideas!